

The IOA aims to promote worldwide collaborations to strengthen the opportunities of networking for its membership.





Collaborations run with several associations with common interests. On going projects are currently carried out with



  • AWWARF, American Water Works Association Research Foundation

AWWARF and IOA are co-funders of a research project on on "Low Dose Risks from Bromate: The Relationship between
Drinking Water Concentrations and actual Dose to Susceptible Organs in Rats and Humans".

  • IUVA, International UV Association

IOA and IUVA organize joint events.


  • COA, Chinese Ozone Association

The ozone industry has achieved rapid growth since 1995 in China. In particular, the ozone goods for domestic use has a large-scale application in China since SARS of 2003. According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 1200 company which is working for producing and saling the ozone goods. Among them, there are not more than 20 companies which produce large scale ozone generator (over 5 kg/h), and there are about 400 companies which produce small & middle size ozone generator (from 100g/h to 5 kg/h), others mainly work for mini ozone goods for household.

and spare parts. The ozone installations cover drinking water plants, sewerage treatment plants, food security, air disinfection, chemical oxidation, medical equipments, etc.


The China Ozone Association is the only one organization for managing the ozone industry, and we have 120 companies as membership thus representing more than 70% of the ozone production capacity. China Ozone Association agrees to establish long term relationships with the International Ozone Association for promoting the sustainable development of the Ozone industry in China.



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Dr. Wang, COA President and Dr. Baig, IOA President first meet on April 2010 in Beijing





Young Ozone People

The Young Ozone People group aims to be a familial and dynamic group principally directed to young professionals having a direct or indirect interest in all aspects of ozone and related oxygen species technologies and operated by its own IOA members.  The YOP leader is Bruno Domenjoud, PhD student at the University of Barcelona, Chemical Engineering Department, Research Laboratory on Oxidation and Advanced Oxidation Processes under the leadership of Prof. Santiago Esplugas, an IOA Board Member from EA3G.
Any IOA member under 35 years old can become member of the YOP group without any additional fee; however any IOA member is invited to collaborate.


The main purposes of the YOP are:

  • To fill the gap between experimented and young people,
  • To reinforce the connection between academy and industry,
  • To facilitate communication and exchange of new ideas, information, etc.


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The group operates:

  • Through collaboration with IOA committees (Task forces, Publication Committee, Ozone Engineering Group, etc.),
  • Thanks to a web interface containing a forum of discussion, latest news, job opportunities (offers and demands), personal profile (CV and video).
  • By organizing workshops.

The first meeting will be held during the World Congress held in Paris, 23-27 may 2011.

The meeting gathered 13 "Young Ozone People", including professionals and students, members and non-members of 5 different nationalities and backgrounds. Other young and experienced people, from the industry and the academic worlds, were present in the meeting. A high interest was shown in moving forward and participating in this initiative. During the meeting, the future steps of the YOP group and its potential action fields were discussed.

  • Contact YOP

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