Ozone and it's application
The use of ozone was made possible through the development of ozone generators mainly based on corona discharge applied to oxygen-containing gas. The latter directly installed on the use site permit to make the most of the oxidizing properties of ozone in various fields since the beginning of nineties.
In 1973, the professionals from industry and research sectors created the International Ozone Association as network dedicated to support the growth of ozone application in all fields.
Ozone can serve in any case where an effective oxidizing action is required on natural, organic, inorganic, mineral, biological, gaseous, liquid or solid substances: disinfection (destruction of pathogenic germs in water, gas, equipment, packaging...), pollutants removal with biodegradability increase, decolorization, COD abatment, VOCs elimination, reduction in toxicity, degradation of specific compounds (from water, air, surface...), conversion and purification of products (chemicals, natural products), therapy purpose...
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- Water purification: drinking water, bottled water, swimming pools, industrial wastewaters cooling towers, groundwater remediation, wastewater re-use.
- Air purification: gas emissions from industry, conditioning system.
- Pulp bleaching for chlorine-free production of paper.
- Organic synthesis.
- Aquaculture and fish farming.
- Food processing: rinsing water, food preservation.
- Surface treatment: semiconductor manufacture, inorganics production.
- Medicine and esthetics: ozonotherapy, surgery, dental care, optical care, manufacture of pharmaceuticals and beauty products.
Ozone-based process
Ozone is generated using air or pure oxygen and electric energy. Typical ozone plant includes system for air or oxygen supply, generator, reactor equipped with gas diffusion device, equipment for monitoring and destruction of ozone in excess into oxygen.
Ozone based process
Ozone is generated using air or pure oxygen and electric energy. Typical ozone plant includes system for air or oxygen supply, generator, reactor equipped with gas diffusion device, equipment for monitoring and destruction of ozone in excess into oxygen.