Ozone news
The bimonthly newsletter of the International Ozone Association, Ozone News, reports timely items of interest occurring throughout the world in all fields of ozone technology.
Although reporting mostly newsworthy items dealing with ozone, some brief technical publications are published in Ozone News from time to time, particularly when timeliness is of critical importance to our readers. Recent issues have contained between 24 and 52 pages. General features of this publication are: welcome to IOA members, past and upcoming meetings, advertisers, information on current IOA publications, industry updates, technical review, IOA conferences announcement and events agenda.
IOA members receive Ozone News free. For non-member subscription, contact the Editor Barry L. LOEB
International Ozone Association/Editorial Office
7534 Squirrel Creek Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio 45247-3611 - USA
Phone/Fax: (01) 513.385.3906